Doilies seem to be a lightening rod subject in the needlework world. Modern lace makers eschew them as relics of an era when women were oppressed and not allowed to be anything more than an ornament for their husband or something akin to a servant within the home. Doilies can represent a stuffy by gone era that women should discard. I have a different approach to doilies.
I typically don’t decorate with traditional doilies, but I adore them. Seeing a basket or display in an antique or vintage shop makes me want to bring them all home. When I look at these doilies I see the efforts of someone who wanted her home to be beautiful. Families didn’t have the kind of disposable income many of us have today, therefore women were creative and used their hands and imaginations to create beauty for their home. Much time, effort and skill went into making lace for the home; that is what I see when I look at doilies.
Today, I collect patterns and sometimes allow myself to purchase lace crochet. I find it beautiful and it can be very graphic and modern. For that reason, filet crochet is currently my focus. I want to learn to chart and create my own crochet lace. It is my hope to bring my version of crochet for the home into the world and inspire a new generation of crocheters.
If you are interested in reading more about doilies, their history and purpose as well as the work of a modern crochet designer, visit these links for fascinating information and amazing works of crochet.
Until next time,